Student Solution


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Ch 2 Discussion Living Art (2)

Ch 2 Discussion Living Art (2)

Q For this chapter, tell us about a piece of art that captures your "participation." That is, something that holds your attention and keeps you constantly finding new nuances and details that enrich your experience. It should be something that you can direct others to freely on the internet. This could be any art form, not just visual art. Theatre, sculpture, music, dance, etc. In your response, type the web link so that others can view your choice and respond to it. In your responses to others posts, make sure that you've experienced the art posted before you respond. Start a New Thread

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For me the things are ever changing as I love to experiment and instead of sticking to one single thing, I watch and listen to different kinds of things. I have to admit that I love sculptures and I love how various artists have used their creativity in order to make each sculpture unique on their own. I am interested in sculptures from the very beginning as the abstract art attracts me to explore the beauty of these pieces of art even more. While surfing the internet, I always click on the link if I get any interesting topic bout art and especially sculptures.